You can find plenty of information on Chester weather here. As local weather is hard to predict other forecasts are available from and the weather service from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute.
Also available are the Chester tide times.
Finally more general information on Chester’s climate can be found under "Annual Chester Weather Facts" including average temperatures, precipitation, humidity and wind speeds.
Warmest month - August
Coolest month - January
Wettest month - August
Driest month - February
Chester is situated in Cheshire near the border with North West England and Wales, on the River Dee. Chester has an oceanic climate like much of the UK. The Welsh Mountains and Pennines provide shelter to Chester resulting in a climate similar to towns further inland in spite of its proximity to the Irish Sea.
Chester’s average annual precipitation is 700 mm with most rain falling between the months of October and December. A record low temperature of -18.2°C was recorded in Chester in January 1982, with average minimum and maximum winter temperatures around 1.6°C and 8°C respectively. The record highest temperature of 35.2°C was recorded was in August 1990, with average maximum and minimum summer temperatures of 21°C and 12°C respectively.
Warmest month - August
Coolest month - January
Chester monthly mean minimum and maximum daily temperature
May is the most sunny month
December has the lowest amount of sunshine
The monthly total of sunhours in Chester Cheshire
Wettest month - August
Driest month - February
The mean monthly precipitation in Chester Cheshire, including rain, snow, hail etc.
Most humid month - January
Least humid month - May
The mean monthly relative humidity in Chester Cheshire
Most wind - March
Least wind - July
The mean monthly wind speed (meters per second) in Chester Cheshire